
Cucuyo 2012: A Different Direction

Warm greetings to the Cucuyo Community!

When I set out to write this letter, my primary intention was to share a change in plans with you all regarding Cucuyo’s programming. However, I’m realizing as I write that I’d first like to celebrate, congratulate and thank from the bottom of my little heart all of the participants, artists, staff and supporters. The product of these past few years has been syrupy, unadulterated love and admiration. Each individual involved has produced art within the context of intercultural interaction. The sharing of one’s art, which is often synonymous with the sharing of one’s core, has resulted in an exponential multiplication of vulnerability and compassion in this world.  That’s quite a lot of beauty.

It’s also quite an undertaking—an undertaking that deserves full attention.  However, because of the 50 or so hours that go to the job that provides a paycheck and the joyous occasion of a marriage that I’ve been invited to participate in (my own!), I’m not able to give the planning and carrying out of this coming summer’s program the attention and affection it merits.  Instead, I’ve opted to use this year to work with the Dominican kids in the further development of Cucuyo, bringing it into a more precise alignment with their needs and desires. This exercise will probably culminate in a visit to Bonao for some face-to-face planning sessions with the kids later on this summer.
I’ll go ahead and note, if any of you know anyone who would be interested in investing in a director’s salary, or writing a grant to for a director’s salary, or partnering with me and writing a grant to fund us both to develop Cucuyo full-time, contact us!  Then the time issue would be a non-issue!
My best wishes to each of you and thank you for your heart-warming support,

Laura Vaughn
Executive Director
Cucuyo Creative Explorations


How Bianca found her Inner Dominicana in a Pair of Rhinestone-Studded Jeans

This is a post from Board Member Bianca Bidiuc who accompanied the Cucuyo Crew on their 2011 adventure acting as interpreter and documentarian.

These blinged-out jeans are calling your name! by Bianca BidiucThere are so many stories, laughs, and nostalgia from my trip with Cucuyo to the Dominican Republic. Cucuyo made this adventure slowly form into a reality that didn’t hit me until I boarded a 4 AM shuttle from Athens to Atlanta a couple of weeks ago. As a board member for the past 2 years, I could hardly wait for the chance to experience everything I’d only had a glimpse of through photos and stories. I went down to serve as an interpreter and documentarian, but I feel like I gained so much more than I offered (doesn’t that almost always happen?).

Here’s the breakdown of the program: it’s a cultural exchange program for American teens through summer art workshops led by American and Dominican professional artists. Teens in the DR also participate. It’s cross-cultural collaboration and communication through art, if you will. There’s a final exhibition, a surprise, excursion, and lots of besos involved. Everyone is placed in a homestay - a real, live Dominican family who feeds you glorious combinations of rice, beans, plantains, asopao, avocados, and homemade tropical fruit juice til you’re too happy and full and complacent to possibly say "no, gracias!" to the concon (the caramel colored toasty burnt rice scraped from the bottom of the pot - always the best part!).

I wasn’t prepared for all the wild and wonderful surprises this trip had in store. I was challenged and loved in extreme quantities, and I learned about the type of satisfaction and motivation known by those who aren’t as softened by luxury and excess. But, I was also surprised to see many cultural similarities. A whole lotta music videos and soap operas, pop culture crazes, and bright, bold diva fashion. By chance, I discovered a pair of Dominican jeans blinged out with rhinestones and zippers that fit perfectly…and I must say, I totally embraced the look. Who knows? Maybe there’s a little Dominicana in everyone they can awaken with the right apple bottom jeans. I even went hiking in those diva jeans. (Ok, it was because I didn’t have any other long pants to wear, and those mosquitos "diablos monstros" as coined by my friend and victim, Hope, were…well, diablos monstros). But at least I slid in the mud looking like J-LO…

Ah, the nostalgia is starting to hit me all over again. Here's to another bright year in Cucuyo's future!


Imagining Difference: Arts-Based Methods and Study Abroad

By Karen Rodríguez, Director of the CIEE Study Center in Guanajuato, Mexico.

One of the fundamental challenges in international education is to cultivate students’ awareness of difference in a way that does not blanket-highlight everything in US-Other terms that tend towards generalizations and oppositions. Such an experience of difference relegates each culture to its respective corner instead of pulling everything into dialogue and opening up room for deeper learning. How can we get students to both see and embrace more nuanced levels of difference? Working in a middle-class university city in Mexico, our program has struggled at both extremes – we have searched for ways to keep difference in view when some of the material aspects of daily life are not so exotic in appearance, and we have also worked to highlight underlying human similarities when values differences loom large in students’ experiences. 

This article discusses how an arts-based approach can enhance more traditional programming strategies, examining how creativity and imagination serve as important pedagogical tools in our quest to get students engaging with difference in critical and empathic ways. Drawing on examples from CIEE’s program in Guanajuato, Mexico, it argues that experimenting with new methods may pull students to new understandings of encounters with difference. 

Arts-based methods Arts-based methods use the arts as conceptual tools and modes of inquiry to understand the self, the other, and social realities. Researchers who apply these methods posit that approaching the other through less common methods allows us to transcend our closed ways of looking and thinking, thus breaking us out of stale methodological/epistemological paradigms. These approaches are largely grounded in the work of educators such as Barone, Greene and Eisner, among others, and tend to be used in teacher-training and in the study of classroom cultures. Eisner (2004) even goes so far as to argue that we should prepare students as if they are artists, by which we mean individuals who have developed the ideas, the sensibilities, the skills and the imagination to create work that is well proportioned, skillfully executed, and imaginative, regardless of the domain in which an individual works. The highest accolade we can confer upon someone is to say that he or she is an artist whether as a carpenter or a surgeon, a cook or an engineer, a physicist or a teacher. 

This move towards the artistic has been paralleled in the social sciences, where the crisis of representation has also led researchers to seek out new methods for understanding and communicating qualitative knowledge about cultural others. Such arts-based approaches have been referred to as “artful-science” (Ivan Brady), “scholARTistry” (Lorri Neilsen), and “sensuous scholarship” (Paul Stoller). What these methods of inquiry share is a reliance upon the imagination, emotion, and reflexivity to expand our understandings of cultural others. They subscribe to Maxine Greene’s assertion that, “..of all of our cognitive capacities, imagination is the one that permits us to give credence to alternative realities, (1995: p. 3)” which is one of study abroad’s essential goals. 

Possibilities for Millenials abroad What possibilities do arts-based methods offer for this particular generation of students and for the study abroad sojourner in general? 

Arts-based methods fit the Millenial generation rather well for several reasons. First, this generation is exceedingly visual. Indeed, the visual pervades everyone’s existence as we are bombarded by images through mass media and the advent of new technologies. In the classroom, correspondingly, Richards (2006, p. 38-39) notes: “ …teachers recognize that drawing pictures, photography, and videotaping events are valuable intervention strategies that encourage students to make deeper personal connections with the content of their writing initiatives” and I would add, with their experiences. An arts-based pedagogy thus draws on this way-of-knowing to go beyond simply illustrating a lecture to working with visual literacy and to complicating the taken-for-granted nature of images we are presented with. The applications for study abroad are tremendous since students abroad are flooded with new images. They can learn to think critically about tourist representations, their own photograph-taking, iconography in the study site, and a host of other such things. Visual methods thus play into a type of literacy that students of this generation have developed, and allow them to critically refine their gaze while abroad, whether as viewers or producers of imagery about the local culture. 

Related to the overload of fast-paced imagery, is an oft-noted lack of ability to pay attention and to fix their concentration on one thing at a time. Arts-based projects help students narrow the field of new things to look at and think about while abroad by allowing them to slow down and to attend to more intricate details related to a specific topic. In artistic projects, they can choose their words more carefully and stare at details until patterns emerge. Furthermore, these methods release students from the monotony of traditional learning methods, challenging their jaded boredom, or what Maxine Green refers to as the “sensation-seeking ordinariness of young lives” (1995: 40), underlining the power of expressive language and image to stir us back into engagement. If one of the reasons students travel abroad is to seek out the sparks of difference, we could provide this not only in terms of landscape and language, but also in terms of methodology. 

If we look at the specific nature of the study abroad experience, the application of these methods is easy to make. As we all know, trying to function in a new language and a new culture is inherently a creative venture. Students rely on a wealth of conscious and unconscious creative strategies to get in and out of language situations, to remember their way home, to build up a local identity, to solve problems. The adaptation process is highly creative in this sense. It involves ideas and insights, failures and editings, and increasing levels of refinement over the course of the experience. Students are forced not only to pay more attention to things they might ordinarily take for granted, but also to use other modes of learning to compensate, extrapolate, and stretch their understandings. 

As they turn to the visual, the aural, and the like, the experience becomes more sensual versus simply cerebral. Students are keenly aware of the bodied nature of the study abroad experience as they listen to new sounds, smell and taste different foods, experience other ways of dressing and other rules of physical contact. This more attentive way of being in the world, provoked sometimes by sheer necessity, positions students within a creative, sensory mindset. It primes them for more artistic ways of learning that as a field, we have yet to fully capitalize upon. 

Imaginative inroads The possibilities for incorporating creative methods of inquiry into study abroad are infinite and could include any area of imaginative work, from creative writing to painting, from sculpture to dance, from music to cooking. To mention just a few examples: 

Students in Guanajuato have used creative writing to try to understand what it would be like to be married at nineteen with your husband working on the “other side”, to imagine balancing complicated family commitments and individual desires, to think about how living in a brilliant mango-orange house might change your perspective on things. Many write short stories from imaginary points of view; others write fictional letters, diaries and poems. One student doing an independent research project at the local food bank incorporated poetry into her final paper, interspersing the “usual” write-up with poems about the individuals she got to know. In these poems, she tried to capture something about the local volunteers’ motivations and desires for engaging in these efforts. Another student used poetry-writing first in a mix of English-Spanish and then entirely in Spanish to explore her own “becoming” process in another language, finding “a place deeper than literal translations and factual essays” and bonding with other bilingual writers she interacted with as part of the project. 

Students have worked with visual arts as well, sketching host-families, photographing local scenes, and participating in workshops such as one on perspective that gets them looking at Guanajuato’s unique, gravity-defying architecture in new ways as they struggle with the inevitable 15 vanishing points at any angle and consider cultural understandings of space and color. 

Making things and creating works of art permit a sense of play as well as a sense of achievement. In workshops with clay, paint, and paper maché, students have repeatedly commented on how the physical experience of working with new materials allows them to work through things in their minds. One pre-med student undertook a research project with a local weaver, commenting on how strange it was to do something creative after many years of concentrating solely on science. She used the metaphor of weaving to think about her relationship with the weaver, her experiences with difference in Mexico, and what she would take home from all this. In her final paper, she writes about how the experience was liberating and how working in a new medium allowed her to finally grasp difference. Anxious to start medical school when she returned home, she concluded nonetheless that ..I will hang my tapestry on the wall and remember the lessons I learned in Mexico. I will remember that different is good and interesting, that creativity should be valued, and that sometimes life is sweeter when it is not on a schedule. ..I will remember these things because they are woven into my tapestry, and they are woven into my life .. “ 

These very brief examples leave out more than they tell, however our experiences on-site have shown that students who undertake the learning from these unexpected, artistic angles bring back a notably enriched perspective. Within these projects, they more easily challenge their ways of thinking, grasp onto new metaphors, listen harder to others, and truly imagine difference in ways that are difficult to achieve through our usual classroom strategies. While in Guanajuato we still base most of our pedagogy in traditional, critical writing-based modes, we have found that the addition of creative projects has radically transformed students’ learning and has helped a wider range of students connect more empathically with the realities of otherness. This shows up in their classroom writing as they create more nuanced, tentative representations of local others, and in the caliber of their interactions with others in town as they lean deeper into difference with more confidence and interest. 

Conclusion Students abroad are often quite inclined to consider other ways of learning. Rather than try to reproduce an educational model based on a Cartesian separation of mind and body that privileges only the cerebral, perhaps we should remember why we invite them abroad in the first place. Study abroad is supposed to be a fundamentally different experience than a semester (or year or month) at a home campus. It is supposed to be about the people that speak the other language and enact the other culture; it is supposed to be a fully social, personal, bodied experience. Why not follow Eisner’s call to prepare students as artists working with all this intercultural material? Why not think of our students as crafting their ears, eyes, and other sensibilities that are so closely tied to cultural immersion experiences? Why not teach them more about drafts and practice, lessons and apprenticeships, and the power of the imagination to pull us into difference? Arts-based methods may indeed offer us ways to plunge into cultural difference, to encourage positive risk-taking in learning, and even to revitalize our own ways of seeing and knowing these experiences abroad as we engage students’ creations. 

Works Cited Eisner, E. (2004, October 14). What can education learn from the arts about the practice of education? International Journal of Education and the Arts. 5(4). Retrieved 10 May, 2005 from http://ijea.asu.edu/v5n4/. 

Greene, M. (1995). Releasing the Imagination: essays of education, the arts, and social change. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers. 

Richards, J. (2006, March) “Post Modern Image-Based Research,” The Qualitative Report, Vol. 11, No. 1, 37-55. Retrieved 15 May, 2006 from http://nova.edu.sss/QR/QR11-1/richards.pdf


A Message to our Adventurous Teens

Registration is open for our 2011 Cucuyo Arts Program in the Dominican Republic.  All applications are due February 1st but don't let the 12 available slots fill up on you!  During the Cucuyo Creative Experience you will stay with another American teen in a Dominican home, attend daily workshops with Dominicans ranging from dance to clay, learn Spanish, meet new folks and even take a surprise excursion to another part of the island!  

The Cucuyo Experience costs $1800 which includes room & board, transportation workshops & materials, Spanish lessons, weekend excursion, flight from a US gate city to Santo Domingo and everything in between!  To apply, fill out the attached statement of interest and return by email or mail to:

1051 Meriweather Drive
Bogart, GA 30622 

If you're liking the sound of all this, for more info you can:

1. Call Youth Director Lauren Stephenson at 706-540-9725

2. Email us moreplease@cucyo.org

3. Check out these pictures from Cucuyo 2010 

4. Take a look at our brochure


Casa club Zona Sur desarrolla cursos con fines culturales

The following is an article about Cucuyo published on June 17, 2010 in El Resplandor, a Dominican online newspaper.

La casa Club Zona Sur, está desarrollando una importante jornada de capacitación para jóvenes  y niños, con el propósito de retribuir a la comunidad un servicio sin fines de lucro.  

Estos cursos tienen como finalidad insertar a los niños de nuestra comunidad dentro del mundo del arte y la cultura, fomentando el desarrollo artístico con miras hacia un mejor porvenir. 

Dentro de los cursos a desarrollar, se encuentran: cursos de teatro, arte, escultura, fotografías, entre otros; éstos serán impartidos por cuatro profesores altamente capacitados. 

Los mismos, son llevados a la comunidad, gracias a una entidad estadounidense, denominada COCUYO, la cual es presidida por los señores  Amanda Lovelee y Francisco Waites, quienes expresaron satisfacción de apoyar este proyecto, en confluencia de la Plaza de la Cultura, en manos de Luís Ledesma. 

La apertura de estos cursos se realizó la mañana del 17 de junio y pretende realizar una exposición final, con todos los trabajos desarrollados por los niños,  por lo que espera contar con la presencia de la población en general.