« An Insider's Perspective: Cucuyo 2010 | Main | Community Movement in Zona Sur »

An Update

Hello friends of art, expansion and sun-dried tomatoes,

Cucuyo, and the many personalities involved are experiencing the apex, the height, the fruit of all their hard work!  It’s time to go to the Dominican Republic, it’s time to do, to learn, to play, to become artists of the self and it’s exciting!!

On June 15th, four talented artists, two content co-directors, and one guinea pig high schooler from the united states will arrive in the Dominican Republic and begin to shape a creative experience for themselves and for over 40 Dominican teens.  Those involved are Amanda Lovelee, photographer; Lauren Stephenson, creative writer; Morgan Ward, sculptor and Kyle Waites, theatre expert guy.  Each will be teaching two workshops a day, in two different communities for 2 weeks.  Artists will stay with Dominican families and lay the groundwork for the 2011 program. In 2011, teenagers will have the opportunity to participate together with Dominican teenagers in the Dominican Republic.  And it will be awesome.

Cucuyo’s board has been preparing, advising and supporting the Cucuyo experience since it’s inception in August of 2008.  Beginning with a core group of four–Joe, Amy, Stephen and Laura – many faces along the way have made the launch of Cucuyo possible. For more on that journey see this article in the Flagpole.  Our Firefly Brew, hosted by board member, Rachel Watkins, will be back later this year.  If it’s as fun this year as last year, I imagine it will become Cucuyo’s signature method of raising funds.  Look for that in future updates.

Cucuyo was also selected as the beneficiary of the 2010 Human Right’s Festival here in Athens, Georgia.  The Daily Co-op, friend and supporter of Cucuyo, played a large role in making this festival a beautiful experience for Cucuyo and all other hardworking organizations involved.  Thank you Daily Co-op and Walter Swanson!  Cucuyo sold American Apparel t-shirts, a micro-lot Dominican coffee roasted locally by 1000 Faces, and super-delicious artisan dark chocolate Love Bars from Cocoa Atlanta.  Oh, and snow cones!  These all make fantastic gifts (except for the snow cones–they’re kinda melty); so email us if you have the money to buy something.  Then give it to a friend, and tell them that their present supported the bi-cultural arts experience that is Cucuyo, and they’ll think that’s really cool.  Check out the article about the Human Rights Festival in the Flagpole.

From the depths of my little soul, thank you everyone.


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