Workshop Offerings

Here is a sampling of some of Cucuyo's past workshops.

Spanish on Stage | Español en escena

In this workshop, students form their own theater company and stage a production—all in Spanish! The artistic, cultural and language exploration takes place on many different levels. Students work closely with their Dominican peers on pronunciation as they master a script that investigates Dominican culture under the guidance of the director. Along the way, students also learn theater basics including set and costume design; public speaking; and blocking and movement. At the end of the workshop, students will present their finished play for the community at the final exhibition. Led by Orlando Muñoz.


English for All! | ¡Inglés para todos!

Two separate workshops for teenagers and adults make learning English fun! Each class begins with a game and includes activities that help students build on the English they already know and start speaking English confidently. Collaborative idiom work with the neighboring Spanish Now workshop deepens practical knowledge. Past activities have included creating a Facebook profile and describing our families using a family tree. Students finish the workshop by creating a final project to present at the end-of-program exhibition. Led by Lauren Stephenson.


Spanish Now | Español ya

Why is Dominican Spanish rife with ’s? What does it mean when a Dominican eats a flag? How do I get my homestay sister to pass me the special rice from the bottom of the pot? These and other Dominican peculiarities will be the arroz and habichuela of Cucuyo’s Spanish Now workshop. While we will further our Spanish fundamentals, most of the class will be tailored towards the immediacy of your in-country experience—meaning PRACTICAL Spanish for the here and now.  Music, literature, immersion and exchanges with our English class counterparts are just a few of the vehicles in which we’ll take this wild Spanish ride together. Led by Laura Vaughn Holcomb.


B-Ball! | ¡Básquet!

Boys and girls ages eight and up will focus on developing strong skills, teamwork, enjoying fun competition and good sportsmanship.  Through daily practice, the youth will work on their offensive and defense skills, while gaining a deeper understanding of the game. A variety of inclusive games and drills will be used in order to assure that everyone is having fun. Older players will also learn to run offensive plays and defensive strategies. The workshop will culminate in a final tournament. Throughout, the focus will always be on positive teamwork  and fun. Led by Fred Raphael.


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